
The problem

The grid is becoming more complex. Gone are the days where a handful of large fossil fuel generators powered each state. The grid now contains a myriad of electricity generators which are distributed, intermittent and whose controls are becoming increasingly more complicated. Grid codes are becoming more cumbersome, spreading to smaller generators and are not keeping up with the soaring volume of proposed connections.

Grid connection is now the number one project challenge facing renewable projects in Australia.

Our mission

gridmo was co-founded by Jarman Stephens and Damien Vermeer in 2022 with the mission to accelerate the connection of electricity generation to the grid.

Power systems engineers are spending too much of their day customising bespoke Python scripts that are basically serving the same purpose as other bespoke scripts across thousands of other companies. gridmo will liberate power systems engineers to return to tackling the challenges facing the future of our grid.

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Meet the team

Jarman Stephens


Prior to gridmo, Jarman worked as a power systems engineer leading NEM grid connections totalling over 200 MW – across solar, wind and synchronous generation – as well as co-founding an energy software start-up, nemy.


Damien Vermeer


Prior to gridmo, Damien worked as a power systems engineer contributing to over 700 MW of renewable generation projects throughout Australia – from preliminary design through to commissioning. He is the recipient of the 2020 Young Electrical Power Engineer of the Year award and a former chair of the Victorian chapter of Young Engineers Australia.
